How many people do you personally know with a soy allergy?

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Store bought bread

For several years I didn't think I could buy store made bread that was soyfree. But my local Publix has 3 homemade breads I can eat: The Publix brand honey whole wheat, seaded whole wheat and their raisin bread. I'm not sure if the same recipe is used at all Publix groceries but I am so glad they make these at mine. I used to go without loaf bread and I missed it terribly!! I did make homemade bread in the bread machine for a while but then I knocked my bread machine to the floor and it broke. Bread machines are not cheap so I tried to make loaves by hand which is very time consuming (and tiring for the hands and arms). Homemade bread is delicious when it turns our right but a lot of mine would be tough and chewy. So thanks Publix for not using soy products is some of your breads. But remember always look at the ingredient list before buying!!!
Publix did not pay me for this post - they don't know me and probably don't even care about my allergies!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Chocolate Peanut Butter Cupcakes

I have been wanting anything with peanut butter this week. So finally on my day off I had time to find a good recipe. I chose Chocolate Peanut Butter cupcakes. Here is the link to the recipe I used: I think the cupcakes turned out to be delicious but I was not 100% satisfied with the consistency of the icing. It wasn't spreadable so I added about another 1-2 tablespoons of whole milk which helped but still wasn't quite right.
When making any recipe you need to look at the ingredient list for anything soy. Some peanut butter brands have soybean oil and also some vanilla flavoring has soy. I think everything else in the recipe should be soy free. But as with any product you need to look at the ingredient list everytime you purchase them just to be sure the company hasn't changed their ingredient list.
Before I had a soy allergy I loved to eat Reese's peanut butter cups. I truly miss not being able to go buy a candy bar when I get the desire for one. But I guess the soy allergy saved me from gaining lots of weight!!!
Hope everyone has a great, soy-free weekend!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

It's a soy-free Wednesday!

Today was a typical workday except I worked a little late.  I was glad that I got up early and put chicken in the crockpot.  I was trying for homemade barbeque sauce but what I wound up with was more like a cross between barbeque sauce and an orange sauce.  I had the bright idea that orange juice would add a little sweetness but I think I put too much.  I was going to post a picture of it but forgot.  Sorry!  Next time I will do better.  I also grilled yellow squash and zucchini squash and sprinkled a little parmesean cheese to add a little flavor.  Grilled veggies are so easy and delicious. 
The thing about cooking at home is that you can be confident that everything is soy free. 
Hope you have a great day tomorrow!